    QSFP28 100G
    DSFP+ DAC Copper Cable, 100Gb/s (PAM4), 1.5m(5ft)

    DSFP+ DAC Copper Cable, 100Gb/s (PAM4), 1.5m(5ft)

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    As low as $24.00
    ● DSFP (PAM4) = Dual SFP56 = 2x50G=100G
    ● 4-pair differential twinax cable
    ● Reliability performance complaint with ISO9002 quality system

    What's DSFP?

    DSFP host application reference circuit where a DSFP module is plugged into the host shown inFigure 14. The logical host controls signals2 are designated as H_RSTn, H_INT, H_LPWn, andH_PRSn and the logical module control signal are designated as M_RSTn, M_INT, M LPWn.Figure 14 also provide suggested host board power supply filters for a 3.3V supply. lf an alternatecircuit is used for power supply filtering, then the same filter characteristics as DSFp Host filter isrequired. The 2-wire SCL/SDA pull resistors of 3.3 kΩ  shown on the reference diagram is de-signed to support 400 kHz bus speed with 100 pf load capacitance.

    DSFP host application reference circuit where an SFP+ module is plugged into thehost shown in Figure 15. The DSFP host must provide appropriate protection to prevent damageto the transmitter outputs TD2+/- connected respectively to the module TX Fault and Gnd. it isrecommended that DSFP host only turns on the TD2+/TD2- after the module has been identifiedas a DSFP. SFP+ module RX LOS and RS1 contacts respectively are connected to the DSF Phost RD2+/RD2- inputs. AC coupling RD2+/RD2- inputs are required to prevent damage to thehigh speed SerDes inputs from LVTTL levels of RX LOS and RS1. The value of AC coupling ca-pacitor depends on the application with capacitor size large enough to limit the impact of the base.line wander. The location of AC coupling capacitors on TD2+/- and RD2+/- signal lines could be atany of the following locations; mounted on the host PCB, integrated into the host ASlC package, orintegrated into the host ASlC die.

    More Information

    Custom SKUCAB-D56/D56-P1.5M CPNCAB-D56/D56-P
    ModelCAB-D56/D56-P CompatibleOEM code
    Spec. AWG30 Rate100G
    Multi Ratemulti-rate Spec. P/APassive

    warranty & Service



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