MPO to LC Casette
MPO to LC Casette
72 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 6 ports MPO to 72 ports LC connectors, SMF
$499.00SKU: SYS-3MPOBOX11SKU: SYS-3MPOBOX11120 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 10 ports MPO to 120 ports LC connectors, SMF
$789.00SKU: SYS-5MPOBOX11SKU: SYS-5MPOBOX11144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports LC connectors, SMF
$949.00SKU: SYS-6MPOBOX11SKU: SYS-6MPOBOX11288 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 24 ports MPO to 288 ports LC connectors, SMF
$1,829.00SKU: SYS-12MPOBOX11SKU: SYS-12MPOBOX1160 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 5 ports MPO to 60 ports SC connectors, SMF
$439.00SKU: SYS-5MPOBOX13SKU: SYS-5MPOBOX13144 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 2U, 12 ports MPO to 144 ports SC connectors, SMF
$979.00SKU: SYS-12MPOBOX13SKU: SYS-12MPOBOX1312 Core MPO Box, 1 port MPO to 12 ports SC connectors, OM3, MMF
$59.00SKU: MPO-12SC-OM3-boxSKU: MPO-12SC-OM3-box24 Core MPO Box, 2 ports MPO to 2x 12 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
$119.00SKU: 2MPO-24LC-OM3-boxSKU: 2MPO-24LC-OM3-box72 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 6 ports MPO to 72 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF
$399.00SKU: SYS-3MPOBOX01SKU: SYS-3MPOBOX01120 Core High Density MPO Fiber System, 1U, 10 ports MPO to 120 ports LC connectors, OM3, MMF